Black Student Alliance House

The Black Student Alliance House, located at 22 Eagle Row, provides residents and the greater community a space where the Emory Black community thrives. The house is designed to foster and uplift the Black community as well as challenge residents' understanding of Blackness. Through all kinds of fellowship, food, and events - hosted by many Black student organizations – the BSA House works to strengthen the community, build self-sufficiency, and support and educate each other.
The Black Student Alliance is an organization founded on the mission of devotion, service, and uplift to the black community at Emory University. In 1968, the students founded the Black Student Alliance of Emory University. In the midst of the turmoil, the black students of Emory decided to come together to create a safe and secure environment to express their views and foster open conversation. Since then, The Black Student Alliance's focus has expanded. It exists to encourage diversity, advancement and leadership, as well as provide programs that educate and strengthen the black community. No matter what race, religion, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation, you will always find a home within Emory's Black Student Alliance.
Mission Statement: We, the Black students attending Emory University, in order to maintain an Afrocentric identity for the cohesiveness on Emory University campus; promote the awareness of a conscious and diverse Black community; to educate on and celebrate Black culture and heritage from all parts of the Black Diaspora; and to serve as a forum for the study and elevation of Afrocentric ideas and goals do hereby establish this Constitution of the Black Student Alliance of Emory University.
The BSA House serves as an extension of the Black Student Alliance’s mission of devotion, service, and uplift to the black community at Emory. The Emory Black Student Alliance is honored to have the ability to provide this residential opportunity to our community. Through all kinds of fellowship, food, and events - hosted by us and the other Black student organizations - we, collectively, hope to continue the work to strengthen the community, build to self-sufficiency, and educate each other.
Who Can Apply? Spaces in the BSA House are open to all rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors. All students dedicated to doing intellectual work in the name of freedom and Blackness are encouraged to apply. We encourage students from all backgrounds to apply, while stressing the formative experience that we believe residency can have on Black identifying students. We further encourage applicants to make sure that they are dedicated to the mission of the House (and the organization) and commit themselves to participating fully in the living-learning experience.
How to Apply: At this time, if you are interested in living in the BSA House, please email Housing@emory.edu.