623 Pierce Promenade, Atlanta, GA 30322

You can find out more about this residence hall’s namesakes by visiting Emory’s History and Traditions webpage.

The Rooms Doubles & Suites

Bathrooms: Shared bathrooms in suites, sink and mirror in room
Closet: Built-in closet
Furniture: Medium loft bed (60"), dresser, side table, desk & chair
TV: Digital & cable hookup

The Floors Coed (Mixed)

Bathrooms: Community bathrooms, gender-neutral bathrooms
Lounges: Study lounges on each floor

The Hall

Kitchen: Community kitchen w/ vending machines
Lounges: TV lounge on ground floor
Laundry: Laundry facilities on ground floor
Internet: Wireless


For Information about Housing Rates, please visit the Housing Rates page.

*Emory Housing Operations is thrilled to announce that we have partnered with Roomie this year to ensure your move to campus is frama free! A direct link of your room will be available when assignments are released.

Student Name

Emory University Main, MSC: #####

1762 Clifton Road

Atlanta, GA 30322

To find your Mail Services Center Address (MSC number): log-in to OPUS. On your home page, scroll click on the "Profile" tile. On the side menu click on, "Addresses."  Your Mail Services Center Address will be listed last in your list of addresses.  You may also find your MSC number on the main screen of your MyHousing page.

Please include a return address on the package. 

For information about Mail Services at Emory, please visit http://www.mailservices.emory.edu .